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Date: 7/23/2024
Subject: July 23, 2024 News Update
From: LWV of La Crosse

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July 23, 2024 News Update
Everyone Vote!   Are You Ready?

Celebrating League Members 

July Book Club
July 29, 2024 
In the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump and many around him, including certain other elected Republican officials, intentionally breached their oath to the constitution, they ignored the rulings of dozens of courts, plotted to overturn a lawful election, and provoked a violent attack on our Capitol. Liz Cheney, one of the few Republican officials to take a stand against these efforts, witnessed the attack first-hand, and then helped lead the Congressional Select Committee investigation into how it happened. In Oath and Honor , she tells the story of this perilous moment in our history, those who helped Trump spread the stolen election lie, those whose actions preserved our constitutional framework, and the risks we still face.

96th Assembly District
Candidate Forum
July 31, 2024

The League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area will sponsor a candidate forum between the Democratic candidates for the 96th WI Assembly District race in the 2024 Primary Election.

On August 13, two candidates—Steve Campbell and Tara Johnson—are competing in the 2024 Primary Election to be the Democratic Party's candidate in the November 5 General Election, running against the incumbent, Rep. Loren Oldenburg.

Members of the public are welcome to submit questions for the candidates at until July 30.

Earlier this year, Gov. Tony Evers signed legislation to establish new legislative maps for the state of Wisconsin. Those maps go into effect for the 2024 elections on August 13 and November 5. The 96th Assembly District map will have new boundaries.

The new 96th includes southern La Crosse, Shelby, Viroqua, La Farge, Greenwood and more, with the district losing rural areas including Crawford and Monroe counties.

Be sure to go to to see if your polling place has been moved for this year's elections.

August Primary Election
August 13, 2024

Important Dates
for the Partisan Primary

July 24: last day to register online or by mail

July 30: first day of early in-person voting

July 30: recommended last day to request an absentee ballot

August 6: recommended last day to mail your ballot


Candidate Information Resource


Four Reasons to Vote No on
Both Constitutional Amendments 
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August Book Club
August 26, 2024
Monday, August 26, 2024, 6:30 PM until 8:00 PM
RiverPlace Apartments meeting room
1 Riverplace Dr.
Read * Think * Vote

Information found on our pages is from verified sources.
Read these latest stories now. 
La Crosse updates aldermanic districts to align with state redistricting changes. 
Lawsuit Filed Seeking Relief for Voters with Disabilities
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La Crosse, WI 54601